
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Flower Headbands for Sale!!!

I have super cute flower headbands for sale in my etsy store as well as my smashion store... or you can email me if you live locally (atlanta, ga) and we can meet up which eliminates shipping fees! 
Visit my etsy store:  Unique Creativity Etsy Store 
 my smashion store Unique Creativity Smashion Store

Here are a few headbands that are in my store as well as some I have previously made on this blog!

the above flowers are 4 dollars each or 2 for 6 ( more selections available)

Brooches on sale for 6 dollars a piece or 2 for 10 (more to come)

Hair pins on sale for 5 dollars a piece or 2 for 8

Soon to Come Flower Necklaces 10 to 12 dollars a piece. Some examples but not for sale